It’s Customer Service Day: Here’s How to Get Your Next Issue Solved

Today is Customer Service Day.  Here are a few tips for making your next interaction with a customer service rep a good one . . .

1.  Resist the urge to DM.  It can get lost in the shuffle.  Calling or sending an email has a better chance of being seen and responded to.

2.  Come prepared.  Before sending an email or picking up the phone, have as much information lined up as possible, like an order number if you bought the item online.

3.  Try your best to stay calm.  Things can get heated on customer service calls when it doesn’t go our way.  But losing your cool just creates more stress for you and the person you’re talking to, and it DOESN’T help you get to a resolution.

4.  Be nice.  It’s the most important thing on this list.  If there’s a “secret code” to getting someone to do something you want, it starts with just being kind to them.


(Huff Post)