Starbucks Is Closing Its Doors to Non-Paying Customers

Starbucks wants customers to stick around and hang out for a while, like they used to in the old days.  The problem is:  Their cafes are packed with people who are NOT drinking their coffee and eating their overpriced food.

Several years ago, Starbucks launched an “open door” policy, but that filled many locations with homeless people and other non-paying customers who spend all day there “working remotely,” reading books, and writing screenplays.

So Starbucks just released a new code of conduct, which will be posted on the door.  It says, “Starbucks spaces are for use by our partners and customers, this includes our cafes, patios, and restrooms, our goal is to create a welcoming environment.”

They will also be cracking down on bad behavior, including noisy disruptions, discrimination and harassment, abusive and threatening language, vaping and smoking, and panhandling.

They say any non-paying guests who misuse their spaces will be asked to leave, and, if needed, staff “may ask for help from law enforcement.”