Five Random Facts for Wednesday

Here are some random facts for you.

1.  There is no federal law banning the creation of fake images of people.

2.  There are more public libraries in the U.S. than McDonald’s.  We’ve got approximately 16,500 public libraries and less than 14,000 McDonald’s.

3.  Many deaf people with schizophrenia don’t hear voices in their head, some see a pair of disembodied hands signing in their mind.

4.  Dalmatians became firehouse dogs in the 1800s because the fire engines were pulled by horses, and Dalmatians got along with the horses better than any other breed.

5.  In Sweden, drivers are required to have their headlights on at all times, even during daylight.


(NY Times / Thomson Reuters / Medium / UCL / Mental Floss / Wikitravel)