Five Random Facts for Friday

Here are some random facts for you.

1.  The Pet Shop Boys named their first album “Please” so people could go into record shops and say “Can I have the Pet Shop Boys album, please?”  (That’s the album with “West End Girls“.)

2.  When Queen Elizabeth the Second was just a princess in 1945, she joined the British military for World War Two and trained to be a mechanic.

3.  Sean Connery had a chance to play Gandalf in the “Lord of the Rings” movies, but turned it down because he didn’t understand the scripts.  He was even offered a piece of the backend of the movies that now would’ve been worth at least $450 million.

4.  Only four presidents didn’t appoint a single Supreme Court justice.  William Henry Harrison, Zachary Taylor, and Jimmy Carter didn’t have an opportunity, and Andrew Johnson nominated one, but he was rejected by the Senate.

5.  Before a hurricane, the two top-selling items at Walmart are Pop-Tarts and beer.


(Wikipedia / Mashable / NME / Far Out / Wikipedia / Country Living)