Three Brilliant Luggage-Packing Hacks from a Flight Attendant

Here’s some good info if you’re flying for Thanksgiving next month.  Someone posted a bunch of luggage-packing hacks they learned from a flight attendant.  Here are their top three tips . . .

1.  Use balloons to prevent spills.  Cut the ends off uninflated balloons so the opening is bigger, and slip them over toiletries like hair gel and shampoo.  Then they can’t spill in your bag.

2.  Use diapers to protect wine bottles.  If you’re packing wine, wrap one diaper around the bottom of the bottle, and one around the top.  It might still break.  But if it does, they’re more absorbent than just wrapping it in a towel.

3.  Pack your sandals where they can’t get your clothes dirty.  Most suitcases have an inner lining that unzips.  Open it up and pack sandals or thin shoes in there, so they don’t touch your clothes.

(If you don’t know the liner we’re talking about, it’s a popular hiding spot for drug smugglers.  They usually get caught,but no one’s arresting you for smuggling flip-flops.)


(NY Post)