Stupid Criminal: A Florida Man on a Riding Mower Destroyed Multiple Mailboxes

Do lawnmowers need license plates now?  Maybe in Florida.

Cops near Fort Myers are searching for a guy who tooled around on a riding mower last Friday and destroyed multiple mailboxes.  (It happened in San Carlos Park, halfway between Fort Myers and Naples.)

Several security cameras got it on video.  It looks like he was probably drunk.  (Here’s a news report with the footage.)

He crashed into one mailbox so hard, it flipped him over the front of the mower.  Then he stumbled around in a ditch for a while, hopped back on, and drove off.

It’s not clear how many mailboxes he destroyed, but cops are still trying to I.D. him.  All they know is he’s a Steelers fan.  He left a Steelers hat and a pair of sunglasses behind.

They’re not sure if he was hitting the mailboxes on purpose, or if he was just that drunk.  It looks like maybe both.