If your New Year’s Resolution was to get back on the dating scene, here’s an interesting hypothetical for you . . .
Someone posed this question to STRAIGHT MEN online: “If you walked into a room with 1,000 single women, around your age, how many of them do you think would be attracted to you?”
42% did NOT have high hopes, and said between 1 and 25 of the women. (That’s 0.1% to 2.5%.)
24% said it’s a little higher, between 26 and 74 of them. (That’s 2.6% to 7.4%.)
10% said a notch above that, between 75 and 99 of them. (7.5% to 9.9%.)
15% said they’d turn heads, 100 to 200 of them. (Which is 10% to 20%.)
And 14% said they’d be fawned over, with MORE than 200 of the 1,000 women being attracted to them, which is more than 20%.
In the comments, one person said, “If I walked in right now, 0 . . . but if I had a chance to shave and dress up a little: 5.”
Someone else said, “Can I talk to them for a few hours or is it like a first sight based on appearance only stuff?”
And there were several men who lacked ANY confidence, and commented on the fact that there wasn’t a ZERO option.
But one man said, for better or worse, “Women are A LOT more pickier than men. If I walked around a college campus, I would find at least half of the girls attractive enough to date . . .
“If you asked women the percentage of college boys they found attractive, most of them would say less than 10%.”
What would you say YOUR percentage would be? Let’s say it’s similar to speed dating, and you have a few hours to get ready, and a basic way to briefly introduce yourself, and show off a little personality.