Five Random Facts for Wednesday

Here are some random facts for you.

1.  For the past 200 years, dating back to 1825, Russia’s rulers have alternated between those who are bald or balding, and those who are hairy.

The most recent “bald / hairy” pair of Russian rulers are the balding Vladimir Putin and the previous president Dmitry Medvedev, who has a full head of hair.  To keep this going for another 200 years, Putin needs a hairy successor.

2.  When Guns N’ Roses was trying to figure out a name for the band in 1985, one of their options was “AIDS.”

3.  It’s estimated that there are about three million ships wrecked and sitting at the bottom of the world’s oceans . . . and they’re worth billions of dollars between their artifacts and treasure.

4.  North Korean women have to get one of 18 different hairstyles that have been approved by the government, men have to choose one of 10.

5.  The first submarine used in a war was called the Turtle, and it was used by the Americans against the British in 1775 during the Revolutionary War.


(Wikipedia / Wikipedia / Smithsonian / Time / Wikipedia)