Here are some random facts for you.
1. Over the next decade, the following copyrighted works will enter the public domain: Popeye, Pluto, Donald Duck, King Kong (the original movie version), Superman, Daffy Duck, James Bond, Batman, Captain Marvel, plus Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf, and others from “The Hobbit”.
2. The last time that state lines moved was 1961, when there was a border shift between Minnesota and North Dakota.
3. Shakespeare invented the name Jessica in “The Merchant of Venice”.
4. In 1942, Manitoba, Canada tried to promote the sale of war bonds by staging a fake Nazi invasion of Winnipeg.
5. There’s only one country between Norway and North Korea. Granted, that country is Russia, which is huge, but a small part of Norway borders a northwest corner of Russia, and North Korea borders a southeast corner.
(NPR / NYT / / Wikipedia / Wikipedia /