Here are some random facts for you.
1. The U.S. Virgin Islands were previously known as the Danish West Indies. They were purchased from Denmark in 1917 for $25 MILLION, which would be around $700 million in today’s money.
2. If you have two arms, you have an above average number of arms. How? Almost no one has more than two arms, but some people have zero or one. That means the average number of arms worldwide is just slightly less than two.
3. There are six seasons in the Hindu calendar: summer, monsoon, autumn, late autumn or pre-winter, winter, and spring.
4. Every letter in English is silent in at least one word, except for the letter “v.” It’s never silent. (Unless you count “covfefe.”)
5. The traditional national sport of Turkey is grease wrestling. Two guys cover themselves in olive oil and win the match by pinning their opponent or lifting him up and carrying him three steps.
(Wikipedia / Math Is Fun / Wikipedia / / Wikipedia)