Stupid Criminal: A Driver Got Mad About Someone’s High Beams, So They Crashed Into Them?

Headlights are getting brighter and brighter, (or I’m just getting older and older), but no one likes being BLINDED on the roads at night, especially if a person DOES have their high beams on.

A 62-year-old man from Kentucky named Frank Falcone was driving through California last weekend, when a driver going the other way allegedly had their brights on.  Rather than flash them, or just move on, Frank got aggressive.

He decided to RAM INTO the other vehicle – THREE TIMES.  (???)

Frank then fled the scene.  But the police eventually caught up with him and pulled him over.  He told the cops he was upset about the lights “because of the brightness and potential radiation.”

He was arrested on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon, and may be looking at additional charges.  It sounds like the other driver is okay.


(CBS News / Facebook)