A Quarter of Gen Z’ers Take Their Parents with Them to Job Interviews

poll earlier this year found 20% of employers have seen a Gen Z’er bring a PARENT along for a job interview.  Is that unprofessional?  And are young people really having their parents interview WITH them?

Another survey drilled down, and it looks like the answer is, not all of them.  But YES, some really are.

A quarter of Gen Z’ers said they’ve brought a parent to an interview in the past year.

Here’s what those parents are actually doing there . . .

1.  37% said their parent accompanied them to the office, but didn’t necessarily go in the room.  They were just there for moral support.  (Or maybe because their kid is 24 and still doesn’t drive.)

2.  26% said their parent physically sat in on the interview.

3.  18% said they at least introduced themself to the manager.  (Like, “Nice to meet you, Bob.  Please hire my kid so they can finally move out.”)

4.  7% answered questions for their child.

The poll found one in eight Gen Z’ers have also had a parent write their resumé for them from scratch.

