Stupid Criminal: A Woman Destroyed a Phone When Her Domino’s Was Delivered “Cold and Uncut”

Do you know someone who claims to love COLD PIZZA just as much as hot pizza, if not more?  Well, this woman is NOT in that camp.

A 22-year-old woman in Florida named Ricqui Holly flew into a RAGE when Domino’s delivered a pizza to her that she says was “cold and uncut.”

Ricqui allegedly drove from her home to the restaurant, argued with an employee, threw the pizza, and damaged the store’s phone.

Somehow, using that phone or another one, someone called the police.  The cops came, and arrested Ricqui for criminal mischief, a misdemeanor.

She spent a night in jail before being released.  She was ordered not to have contact with that Domino’s location, but she is NOT prevented from ordering pizza from another establishment.

(Here’s Ricqui’s mugshot.)


(The Smoking Gun)