Reno Media Group stations are committed to doing everything we can to remain #NevadaStrong and staying #RenoStrong.
Information is key to protecting you, your family and our community. In addition to updates from our news partner KTVN 2- News, we’ve compiled this information page for Northern Nevadans outlining the latest news, resources available to workers displaced by mandatory closures, and more.
Stay aware of the latest information on the COVID-19 outbreak. Many people who become infected experience mild illness and recover, but it can be more severe for others. Take care of your health and protect others by “doing the five” in the graphic on the right.
Get The Latest Updates
Johns Hopkins University Live Map showing confirmed cases worldwide
Nevada Dept of Health and Human Services Analytics showing confirmed cases in Nevada
Washoe County Impact Dashboard showing confirmed cases in Washoe County
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Regional Information Center jointly from Washoe County, City of Reno, and City of Sparks
Washoe County COVID-19 Information
City of Reno COVID-19 Information
City of Sparks COVID-19 Information
Washoe County School District Information
Washoe Country REMSA has set up a “Community Triage Line”. It has information about coronavirus and getting access to testing. 24-7 you can call 328-2427.
Current Regulations for Nevada
All of the current regulations, emergency directives, and press releases for the state of Nevada can be found here.
For more information on correct usage of face masks check here.
Applying for Benefits
RENT PAYMENT ASSISTANCE: If you’re struggling to pay rent due to COVID-19, there is help. CARES HOUSING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM
APPLICATION PROCESS: 1. Visit www.housing.nv.gov 2. Selects county of residence to be directed to the appropriate housing agency 3. Complete the application (you will be notified upon approval or if more information is needed) 4. If approved, funds will be disbursed directly to your landlord.
SNAP, WIC, and TANF Welfare Services: Nevadans may apply for welfare services through the Department of Health and Human Services’ Division of Welfare and Supportive Services which provides food assistance (SNAP and WIC) cash assistance (TANF), medical and child care assistance through Access Nevada or by calling (775) 684-7200 for Northern Nevada offices to be connected with a representative.
The Food Bank of Northern Nevada is continuing their schedule of SNAP outreach schedule to assist people with getting their SNAP application completed to connect their family with benefits. Each month the schedule of where and when the Food Bank SNAP team are located can be found on the website at FBNN.org. During COVID-19 when many are sheltering in place to protect themselves and others, applicants for SNAP can also receive help with their SNAP Application over the phone. People who are interested in this service can call 775-331-3663, extension 152 from 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. to receive SNAP application assistance.
WIC: There’s additional information for WIC families regarding their WIC Benefits and COVID-19. Here’s the link for Nevada WIC www.nevadawic.org/
Health Insurance: Nevadans will be able to enroll in health insurance plans through the Silver State Health Insurance Exchange between March 17 and April 15 as part of a limited exceptional circumstance special enrollment period. Enroll online here or call (800) 547-2927.
Veterans: The VA Office has information for Veterans here. The PenFed Foundation COVID-19 Emergency Financial Relief Program was created to provide financial assistance to all Veterans, active military service members, and those currently serving in the Reserves and the National Guard who are experiencing a financial setback due to the negative economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Apply here.
Mortgage Assistance:
Other banks may offer their own options, but Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac loans have options here:
Online DMV
Get the latest on DMV reopening plans and their Online Services here .
Unemployment: To apply for unemployment , go to the Unemployment Insurance Claim Filing System here or call (775) 684-0350 in Northern Nevada. For more information about unemployment in Nevada, visit www.detr.nv.gov
Washoe County Senior ‘take-out’ Meal Sites
The Washoe County Senior Center on 9th St., will serve takeout meals Monday through Friday, from 11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m. All other congregate locations will serve take-out meals Monday through Friday, between 11:45 a.m.-12 p.m. Meal reservations are required for all sites except the 9th street location prior to 8am that day. To reserve a meal call 328-2786. A complete list of congregate sites is on Washoe County’s Senior Services Page.
Washoe County Meals on Wheels program
The Meals on Wheels program will continue to deliver food to over 1,000 homebound seniors. To sign up call Washoe 311 or visit Washoe County’s Meals on Wheels page.
Food Bank of Northern Nevada
To learn how to receive help : FBNN.org.
The Salvation Army – Food, Utility, Rental and Shelter Assistance
The Salvation Army has modified their normal operations in response to COVID-19. All of the latest details can be found on their website here. The application for rental assistance is here.
Catholic Charities of Northern Nevada – St. Vincent’s Food Pantry
St. Vincent’s Food Pantry and Dining Room are open. More information is available here.
Relief Funds and Loans
In cooperation with the City of Reno, the City of Sparks, and Washoe County, the Community Foundation has established a charitable relief fund to help address needs arising from the COVID-19 pandemic in northern Nevada. More info at NevadaFund.org
Small Business Administration Disaster Assistance Loans can be found here.
Other Resources
Kids at Home
Looking for activities for kids at home? Check out the resources at VirtualSchoolActivities.com
Washoe County Library System Reopening Plans:
Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Home
The CDC has released a guide to cleaning and disinfecting your home, and you can read it here.
Domestic Violence Hotline
Safe Embrace is keeping its shelter and 24/7 crisis hotline operational for those forced to stay in a home environment with, or in close proximity to, an abuser. Those in need of help can call the hotline at (775) 322-3466.
Additionally, the Domestic Violence Resource Center in Reno can be reached at (775) 329-4150.
How You Can Help
Donate Blood
Coronavirus Impacts Blood Supply – URGENT SHORTAGE: DONORS NEEDED
Make your appointment here at Vitalant. Vitalant.org
Food Bank of Northern Nevada: If you have not volunteered before at the Food Bank of Northern Nevada, you can complete a volunteer application by clicking here: Volunteer Application. After completing the application, Volunteers who are interested in our new training session opportunities can sign up here: Volunteer Session Registration.
Shopping Angels: This service needs volunteers to help shop for those who cannot leave their homes – https://www.facebook.com/shoppingangelsnv/
Use any of the links below to donate directly to charities helping Northern Nevada
Food Bank of Northern Nevada: The Food Bank of Northern Nevada has experienced a sharp increase in demand for emergency food in recent weeks, and monetary donations to continue their efforts are greatly appreciated. Now, they’ve made it even easier to contribute with the “Text to Give” program. You can text “FEED NV” and a donation amount to 50155. Every dollar helps them provide three meals. You can also donate or learn how to receive help at FBNN.org.
Catholic Charities of Northern Nevada