Public Service Events

Here’s what’s happening in our community!  If your non-profit organization has an event coming up, let us know with an email at least a week in advance, to


(thru Mar 28th) The Food Bank is presenting the Spring Break Kids Café free meals program for kids 2-18. Locations include:  the North Valleys, Downtown & Sparks Libraries plus Mariposa Academy. Info:


(thru Apr 30th) Spread The Word Nevada is holding a book drive to collect books for children. Locations all over Washoe County.  Info:


(Tues Mar 18th) The Community Services Agency is celebrating its 60th anniversary with an open house at 790 Sutro Street in Reno, 11a-2p.  Info:


(Sun Mar 23rd) Reno Rabbit Rescue hosts a “Hoppy Hour Adoption Event” at the South Valley Library on Wedge Parkway from 1p-3p.  Info:


(Sat Mar 29th) TMCC Veterans Services is holding its annual Vietnam Veterans Remembrance Ceremony at 2pm in the student center.  Info:


(Sat Mar 29th) My Hometown Heroes is holding their March Ante-Up Poker Tournament at New West Distributors at 6pm.  Proceeds create scholarships for college-bound, young Cancer Survivors. Info: click here


(Sat April 5th) “Drive Toward A Cure” is presenting “Music & Motion” benefiting the Parkinson Support Center of Northern Nevada at the National Automobile Museum.  Info: Click Here


(Sat April 12th) “Sleep In Heavenly Peace” is having a gala/fundraiser at the Atlantis Casino at 5pm on the Paradise Terrace.  Info:


(Sat April 12th) VFW Post 8071 presents a fundraising dinner and gun raffle at 5pm VFW Bunker in Reno to benefit the Virginia City Veterans Center building project.  Info:


(Thru Sun April 27th) The Wilbur D. May Museum at Rancho San Rafael Park presents “The Lost World of Dragons”.  Info: click here


(Wed Apr 30th – Sun May 4th) The Food Bank the American Institute of Architects present the

21st Annual Canstruction Event at Meadowood Mall. Info:


(Sun Jun 8th) The Tahoe Joy Festival happens at Commons Beach in Tahoe City from noon to 6pm; it’s free. Info:


(TFN) Nevada DMV has a new “Rapid Registration” online portal.  It’s easy and fast to register your car.  Info:


(TFN) City of Reno has created a membership program called “RecConnect” for the city’s parks & recreation facilities.  Info:


(TFN) Looking to quit using tobacco? Nicotine Anonymous meets every Wednesday at 5pm at the Alano Club, 1640 Prater Way, Sparks.  Info:


(TFN) Catholic Charities needs donations for their Thrift Stores. Drop off donations at 500 East 4th street and 190 East Glendale are open 8am to 4pm.  Info:


(TFN) Sparks Christian Fellowship has added evening hours for its food pantry at 510 Greenbrae Drive.  Tuesdays 6-7p & Wednesday 9a-noon.  Info:

(TFN) Washoe County Libraries present the Library Park Pass program to Nevada State Parks. Info:  or


(TFN) You can check the air quality in your neighborhood at a new website.  Just type in your zip code at Air Now dot gov.  Info:

(TFN) Vaccination info: Immunize Nevada has a list of pharmacies and other locations giving free shots, near you.  Info: OR


(TFN) Truckee Meadows Parks Foundation is presenting the app-based GET Outdoors program for students in grades 6-12.  Info:


(TFN) Vitalant needs blood donations. Get info to make an appointment at blood here dot com.  Info:


(TFN) Northern Nevada’s Children’s Cabinet serves families in Reno, Carson City and Elko. They are in need of donations.  Info:


(TFN) The Food Bank of Northern Nevada needs help.  You can now donate via text message: text “FEED NV” and a donation amount to 50155 Info:


(TFN) Washoe County REMSA (rem-sah) has set up a “Community Triage Line”.  It has information about getting vaccines and more.  24-7 you can call 328-2427 that’s 328-2427.


(TFN) If you have recovered from Covid 19 researchers at Renown Health and the UNR School of Medicine would like to talk to you.  Also, they can assist you if you want to donate plasma.  Info:  or call 982-3646